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5 Tips For Ceiling Decoration

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There’s an old saying used by designers, and that’s ceilings are the forgotten fifth wall. Many of us are so focused on floor or wall decorations that we forget about the blank canvas right above our heads.

We’re big believers in using ceiling art as an artistic focal point. Check out these 5 suggestions for new ways to make your walls jealous.

  1. Sometimes the smart thing to do is to go big. With ornate designs made of faux wrought iron as a centerpiece, every eye will travel upwards. As a result, you have less decorating to do in the room below.
  2. If you’re looking for a cohesive element, crown molding can be your new best friend. The size of the room doesn’t really matter, and you can opt to go highly intricate or subtle. Either way, you have the ability to set lighting, rooms, and other focal points aart.
  3. Do you look at popcorn ceilings and sigh? Don’t, since that can be the beginning of a striking new art concept. Whether you use Styrofoam, bead boards, draped fabrics or something else, you’re limited only by your imagination.
  4. If the ceiling is a fifth wall, treat it like one. You can mount postcard collections, picture frames or plates. Just remember to keep your wall decorations simple and clean, so that the walls and ceiling don’t compete for attention.
  5. A great way to lighten up the mood of a room is by installing LED lighting tape within the recesses. This is a great option for rooms with symmetrical shapes, and it can also enhance the mood in dining rooms and bedrooms.