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Meet Kalinda- Exotic Ceiling Art

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Loving the Kalinda....this Contemporary, Moroccan Ceiling Art in White.  The newest project of white with the homeowners splash of teal reveals the spicy style of mixing design, texture, fabrics, light and color.  This look is on an up rise stylishly bringing exotic feeling to your space.  Using the white Ceiling Art on the white ceiling also adds a multi dimension to this room radiating the light throughout.

5 Reasons Faux Wrought Iron Beats The Real Thing

We’ve all run into roadblocks when planning out the decoration of a room. You might be starting from square one, or looking to elevate an existing space with the right decor. A great new and hot option to consider is faux wrought iron.Sure, we’re a little biased. But when you see these 5 reasons why [...]

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What's In Faux Iron?

We are living in a time where ingredients in our products are more important than ever. As a society we have placed a premium on quality, environmentally friendly ingredients in everything from food to everyday household products. We’re building more and more LEED qualified homes each year and always finding new ways to become more energy [...]

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What Makes A Home For The Holidays?

Faux iron is not just a house decoration; it's a unique decorative element that makes your home feel special. Like the special flare you put on your turkey, mashed potatoes, pies, and all the fixings that go with Thanksgiving dinner, you can also put this flare into any part of your home when decorating [...]

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4 Reasons Why Faux Iron Decor Outweighs the Benefits of Wrought Iron

Everyone has struggled with hangups or run into roadblocks when decorating a room. Whether you’re starting from scratch or just looking for the right new decor to elevate an existing space, try thinking outside of the box. Or even better, just look up! Ceilings are the forgotten 5th wall and they’re just waiting for a [...]

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Famous Ceilings

Here at Ceiling Art Store, we're obsessed with ceilings. Weird, right? We love all kinds of ceilings, from the Sistine Chapel to the Bellagio to the U.S. Library of Congress (yes, it's more than just books and granite). Having a decorated ceiling makes a statement. It can tell a story. It can add character and [...]

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