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Latticework: Culture and Utility
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Ornamental latticework has been around for thousands of years and can be found in many different cultures all over the world. The designs and patterns often reflect the visual theme or style of whatever culture you’re looking at. In India, ornamental latticework is an indicator of wealth and you will likely find it in the homes of rich or noble individuals. In the middle east and northern African regions, they refer to such latticework as mashrabiya. Mashrabiyan latticework is commonly used over windows to keep rooms cool and to serve as a form of privacy. Latticework can also be used on ceilings, as room dividers, and skylight overlays. It’s a great decorative tool that can add culture and complexity to any room.
(source: Original)
(source: Jaipur, India: Michael Day)
(source: Musée des civilisations pour l'Europe et la Méditerranée: Julien Benedetti)