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Famous Ceilings

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Here at Ceiling Art Store, we're obsessed with ceilings. Weird, right? We love all kinds of ceilings, from the Sistine Chapel to the Bellagio to the U.S. Library of Congress (yes, it's more than just books and granite). Having a decorated ceiling makes a statement. It can tell a story. It can add character and depth. At the very, very least, it's just pretty to look at. When thinking about what to do to your ceiling, just think...WWMD: What would Michelangelo do? (I'll give you a hint: He'd probably start at

Sistine Chapel

(Sistine Chapel, The Vatican, Rome)

Wynn Casino

Wynn Casino (Las Vegas, NV)

Bellagio Casino

Bellagio Casino (Las Vegas, NV)

U.S. Library of Congress

U.S. Library of Congress (Washington, D.C.)